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The Concord Baptist Church Housing and Economic Development Corporation (CBCHEDC) was organized in 1986 as a non-profit organization operated by The Concord Baptist Church of Boston.  A multi-service community development corporation, CBCHEDC seeks to achieve affordable and safe housing for all families in Greater Boston and particularly, Roxbury, Mattapan and Dorchester. CBCHEDC is a limited partner of Douglas Park Housing Limited Partnership, the developer of more than 130 units of housing in lower Roxbury. 

About Us

CBCHEDC is expanding its focus to include a Small Business Loan Initiative, mixed use affordable housing for the elderly, handicapped accessible housing, and economic initiatives for teenagers and young adults.  An IRS recognized 501 (c) 3 charitable nonprofit, CBCHEDC’s multicultural board continues the philosophy of our early faith-based founders.  While our business initiatives have multiplied, our original goals remain of creating and preserving affordable housing opportunities and building safe and healthy neighborhoods for those most in need and others challenged by today’s housing and economic market.

Who We Serve

The population served by CBCHEDC is the Greater Boston area and South suburbs, including Mattapan, Roxbury, Dorchester, and beyond – for primarily low- to low/moderate-income level individuals and/or families with diverse languages and cultures. CBCHEDC seeks to increase the number of social and environmental benefit programs: counseling families on buying and renting affordable homes and on avoiding foreclosure, building and redeveloping properties into affordable homes, maintaining our own rental housing property portfolio, small business and entrepreneur empowerment, helping the elderly and handicapped with no-cost home repairs, and focusing on affordable rental initiatives.